Discover business- to -business opportunities in the Forest Therapy Center:


Team building in the forest:

Let experienced trainers design individual team building workshops in the forest to improve team dynamics and strengthen collaboration.


Leadership retreats :

Retreats and seminars in the forest focus on leadership skills, stress management and personal development for managers.


Workplace Health Promotion:

Workplace health programs that include forest yoga, mindfulness exercises and nature therapy to improve workplace wellbeing.


Outdoor meetings and seminars:

Experience inspiring outdoor meetings, seminars and conferences in our nature-loving environment that promote creativity and innovation.


Sustainability workshops:

As part of your sustainability strategy, you conduct training and workshops on environmental issues, environmental education and sustainable management.


Join us to discover how these nature-based programs can help you and your team. Contact us to discuss your individual needs and goals and work together to develop a program that is a perfect fit for your company. Let us work together to promote the values of nature, health and teamwork in your company.