Opportunities for external coaches in the Forest Therapy Center:

At the Forest Therapy Center we offer external coaches, an inspiring environment and a variety of opportunities to implement their coaching and training offers in a natural atmosphere. As an external coach, you can use the following options in our center:


Use of space:

Use our rooms in the Forest Therapy Center for your coaching sessions , workshops, retreats or seminars.


Nature-related programs:

Design nature-based coaching programs, outdoor workshops or mindfulness sessions to offer your clients a unique experience in nature.


Participation in events:

Take part in our events or organize your own events in the Forest Therapy Center to present your coaching offer to a wider audience.


Cooperations and networks:
By working with the Forest Therapy Center you can expand your network, discover new cooperation opportunities and benefit from joint projects.


Individual support:

We offer individual support and advice for external coaches to help you plan and implement your coaching offers at the Forest Therapy Center.


As an external coach, you have the opportunity to use the unique nature and tranquility of our center to create transformative coaching experiences for your clients. Contact us to find out more about the opportunities for external coaches at the Forest Therapy Center and to develop innovative coaching programs together.